
All of our wild food videos.

Getting hands on with Game

A series of informative and practical videos produced by one of our partners BASC. The British Association for Shooting and Conservation has the mission to promote and protect sporting shooting and the well-being of the countryside throughout the United Kingdom and overseas.

Find out more about the activities of the BASC here.

Rabbit Recipes & Butchery

Recipe: Rabbit Lasagne.

A delicious recipe for rabbit. This one is for the those that like to cook, but the effort is more than worth it. With simple and cheap ingredients, this dish comes highly recommended. A BASC "Taste of Game" film, made in conjunction with the "Scotland's Natural Larder" campaign.


How to skin and joint rabbit

Kenny Willmitt of BASC Scotland demonstrates how to skin a rabbit and joint it ready for the pot.

Pigeon Recipes & Butchery

Pigeon: Introduction.

Pigeon shooting expert Will Garfit introduces the art of shooting over decoys. The woodpigeon is the UK's number one agricultural pest and causes millions of pounds of damage to agricultural crops every year.

Pigeon - getting them home.

When taking your pigeon home in the car, a few simple precautions will make the eating safe and all the tastier.

Thanks to Ian Lawrie at Plucking Magic in Fife for supplying the pigeons in this film.

Pigeon - Plucking and gutting.

BASC Scotland's Kenny Willmitt demonstrates how to pluck and prepare your pigeon for roasting.

Thanks to Ian Lawrie at Plucking Magic in Fife for supplying the pigeons used in this film.

Pigeon - removing the breast.

The quick and easy way to prepare a pigeon for cooking. A technique that leaves very little waste as most of the meat of a pigeon is found in the breast.

Recipe: Pigeon & Black Pudding Salad.

A quick and easy recipe for pigeon breast. For more about cooking game food, see

Clean and gut a brown trout.

Casting for Brown Trout


Butchery demo at Balgove Larder



Picking Nettles


Tapping Birch

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