Discover our recipes.
Venison Recipes
Whether it comes from the wild or from a farmed herd, venison is one of Scotland’s great natural food products. Venison is a healthy and delicious meat to enjoy at home or when eating out.
Venison Meatballs
A Scottish take on ‘Albondigas’, a Spanish favourite
Venison Meatballs
Venison Chilli
An authentic Mexican chilli, enriched with chocolate.
Venison Chilli
Game Recipes
Wild animals and birds that are hunted and eaten are known as ‘game’. Game meat is healthy, natural and delicious.
Game Breasts
with Chorizo
Game Breasts
Game Pie
Game Pie
Game Terrine
Game Terrine
Pheasant a Leekie soup
Using pheasant in this traditional Scottish soup is a delicious twist.
Venison Meatballs
Potted Rabbit
This superb potted rabbit blends herbs and spices for a great flavour
Potted Rabbit
Rabbit Lasagne
A delicious wild, lean meat
Rabbit Lasagne
Classic Rabbit Stew
A delicious, simple and warming stew that you can
adapt easily to suit your tastes.
Rabbit Stew
Lionacleit Goose Curry
Lionacleit Goose Curry
Gaelic Game Recipes
Stiubha Feòil Coineanaich
Stiubha blàth, blasta agus furasta a ghabhas atharrachadh gu furasta a rèir do thoil fhèin.
Stiubha Feòil-coineanaich
Coiridh Feòil-geòidh le Sgoil Lìonacleit
Coiridh Feòil-geòidh le Sgoil Lìonacleit
Wildfowl Recipes
The open season for certain duck and goose species is a chance to eat seasonal wild food. Wildfowl is a fresh, seasonal wild food that’s low in fat and high in taste.
Wild Goose Paté
A rich and delicious paté
Wild Goose Paté
Warm Pigeon Salad
Warm Pigeon Salad
Goose Curry
Goose Curry
Wild Goose Breasts
Baked with Marmalade Glaze
Wild Goose Breasts
Goose Casserole
With Apple Juice and Whisky
Goose Casserole
Wild Goose Albondigas
Spicy Meatballs
Wild Goose Albondigas
Foraged Recipes
Scotland’s woodlands, hedgerows, moorland and seashores hold an abundance of delicious and nutritious wild food that awaits your discovery. Foraging is enjoying a revival among people keen to eat fresh, seasonal and local food.
Fruit Leathers
Simply fruit dried into thin, chewy sheets.
Fruit Leathers
Elderflower Cordial
Creamy-white flowers make a delicious cordial.
Elderflower Cordial
Wild Garlic Pesto Bread
Wild garlic is prolific, easy to identify and absolutely delicious.
Wild Garlic Pesto Bread
Nettle Soup
Nettles are a great source of vitamins and minerals.
Nettle Soup
Nettle Pesto
Rowan Jelly
The red berries of the rowan provide a great splash of colour in the early autumn.
Rowan Jelly
Weed Burger
An easy, delicious and adaptable burger packing plenty of healthy, wild greens.
Weed Burger
Sugar Kelp Crisps.
These simple crisps are a great way to enjoy seaweed.
Gaelic Foraging Recipes
Leathar Measach
’S e measan tiormaichte, mar siota tana a ghabhas cagnadh, a th’ ann an leathar measach.
Leathar Measach
Silidh Chaoran
Bidh caoran dearga na craoibhe-caorainn a’ taisbeanadh boillsgeag dhearg dhuinn as t-fhoghar.
Silidh Chaoran
Burgar Luibheanach
Burgar furasta, blasta a tha làn glasraich fhallainn, fhiadhan.
Burgar Luibheanach
Uair dha robh saoghal bhite a’ reic mìlsean-mara air an t-sràid mar ghreim bidhe.
Pesto Dheanntagan
Deanntagan an lùib pesto blasta – math le pasta no airson sabhs.
Pesto Dheanntagan
Sùgh Dromain
Dèan cinnteach gum fàg thu flùraichean gu leòr air a’ chraoibh.
Sùgh Dromain
Fish and Shellfish Recipes
Fish and shellfish text here.
Student Survival Kit
Eating Well on a Budget. This guide is produced by food consultant Alison Sykora and contains some great ideas for healthy, nutritious and affordable meals.